Setting up the sessions

Please endeavour to answer the following questions - via the comment link - before this Thursday's initial Zoom meeting:
  1. How and when will you set up two or three 60-minute practice coaching sessions in the online room. 
  2. When do you wish to take the role of - (a): Coach and (b): Coachee - so you have plenty of time to prepare.
  3. If there are group of three - the third member to observe and provide feedback –or you can simply agree that each of you attends only two of the three sessions.
  4. The person who is the coach needs to prepare a 30-minute coaching session including approach/model, types of question and reflection tools or frameworks for after the session. 
  5. The person who is taking the coachee role will prepare a workplace problem or issue to discuss at the session and should set this out in the TGF in advance.
  6. Make sure you have thought about welfare and contracting (look back at Box 6.1: Welfare and contracting), and plan how you are going to carry out contracting. 
  7. Make sure confidentiality is discussed and agreed in the contracting process. Also, are there any other ethical issues you want to discuss and come to agreement about? 
  8. You might, for example, want to agree that you will all commit to working together constructively and supportively, and/or that you will all attend punctually and be fully prepared.
  9. Finally, think about how you will ensure that you incorporate reflection in your role as coach and coachee during this practice.
Essential - Top 5 - Skills for Successful Coaching:

1. Listen with Curiosity
2. Take in What You Hear
3. Reflect with Accuracy
4. Questioning for Exploration
5. Provide Feedback for Development

Practical issues with the online room

  • Agree the times of the sessions and make sure all participants have access to the appropriate online room.
  • Select phones, Zoom or other devices to record the sessions. 
  • Please seek written permission from the coachee before proceeding - email ok.
  • Benefit of recording the session is that participants can use it to assess their own performance at a later time - discuss this with the rest of the team. 
  • Take notes in case of IT issues or if someone does not agree to be recorded.
  • Use this TGF discussion if you have concerns about how to use the online room. 
  • Chance to practise use of Zoom or other online rooms.
  • Additional information available: OU Computing Guide.

Skills development and the EMA

Evidence required

  • Rereading - EMA - guidance to clarify which evidence to gather.
  • Record evidence from your coaching practice to use in your EMA i.e. As a : Coach, Coachee and Observer

Objectives for developing your coaching skills 

  • Record these in your skills portfolio (as discussed in Unit 1).

Activity 6.9: Practice coaching sessions