Using the GROW coaching model

Well-known framework for coaching: the GROW model. There are other models – you may know of others or, if you are already an experienced coach, you may have developed your own. We offer this model as a useful example which you can use in your practice, but this should not prevent you from using another model which you know well, if you prefer. The techniques that are covered are relevant and useful no matter what coaching model is used. For now, the GROW model is presented as a practical tool to help you practise key coaching skills, but you will learn about its theoretical background in Unit 7.

GROW stands for goals, reality, options and will (see Figure 6.2).

Figure 6.2: The GROW model

  •  The coach asks exploratory questions to establish goals and set objectives.
  •  The coach questions the coachee about the reality of the situation or the problems they wish to address.
  •  The third step is to generate options for actions to take forward.
  •  Discussion turns into action: the coach and coachee agree what will happen.

Next you will work through each stage of the GROW model and consider some key skills and techniques which you can use for either coaching or mentoring.

Activity 6.4: Building trust and rapport:

Listen to Audio 6.1 and

  • Video 6.3: Good rapport building

Activity 6.5: Goal-setting techniques,

  • Video 6.4: Dealing effectively with a goal that is too big,
  • Video 6.5: Dealing effectively with a goal that is too vague,
  • Video 6.6: Dealing effectively with a goal that is multiple,
  • Video 6.7: Dealing effectively with a goal that is about somebody else
  • SMART Objectives
  • Make a list of questions that you could use to elicit ideas and set goals with your coachee in your practice coaching session.

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