Coachee guidance

Example: If a coachee wishes to promote their career they needs to develop their key professional skills. This can be achieved using the competency framework outlined below:

Competency Framework

Value 1: Achieving the best – related competencies:

·        Planning and Organising

·        Using Information

Value 2: Respecting people – related competencies:

·        Communicating with Customers and others

·        Developing People

Value 3: Making a difference – related competencies:

·        Leading

·        Delivering to Customers

Value 4: Looking outwards – related competencies:

·        Working together

·        Improving and Learning

·        Embracing Change

The examples competency framework is base on the 4 stated value system. Moreover, if a coachee wishes to be less introspective, they would endeavour to develop one or all of the competencies defined in (Value 4). For instance,

§      Embracing Change (EC): Recognising the need for change and being positive about new opportunities, proactively promoting change and being receptive to ideas for change. Reassuring and selling the benefits of change to others and managing and contributing to achieve required change.

The coachee may, at present, have EC, competency: Level 1: Responds positively to change by being open to new ways of working and demonstrating flexibility. Key skills:

1.      Positively embracing new ways of doing things

 2.      Demonstrating willingness to implement ideas and new approaches suggested by others

 3.      Tackling difficulties

 4.      Demonstrating a personal willingness to adopt change

 5.      Displaying personal flexibility in the face of change

Notwithstanding, the coachee may wish to develop their EC, competency to Level 3: Initiates and supports organisational changes by identifying future needs, providing explanations and selling the benefits. Key skills:

 1.   Taking the initiative to shape the business by managing and contributing to its development.

 2.   Assessing and identifying the need for change.

3.   Managing conflicting stakeholders' view by explaining impact of decisions.

4.   Acknowledging reality and requirements of change.

5.   Explaining why change is required.

6.   Identifying future events and requirements.

7.   Ensuring own and others understanding of key issues for change.

8.   Building a business case for change.

9.   Selling the benefits of changes made to others 

The coach would utilise the GROW coaching model to make a list of questions that could be used to elicit ideas and set goals with the coachee to achieve Level 3 status.

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